
MSc European Forestry

MSc European Forestry


Are you interested in an international career? In a world where the pressures on our environment are increasing every year, the need to educate specialists to tackle key issues is essential.  Nowhere is this seen better than the ongoing challenge of managing the world’s forests.

The MSc European Forestry is a top class taught masters programme in the field of forest sciences. Led by the School of Forest Science at the University of Eastern Finland, a consortium of seven European forestry universities collaborate to offer an academic programme that is regarded as one of the leading of its kind in the world today.  The degree provides academic education in forestry, focusing on the international dimensions of sustainable forest management issues, allowing students to develop appropriate skills and networks for a range of related careers after graduation.

The MSc European Forestry Consortium consists of:

·               AgroParisTech, France
·               University of Lleida, Spain
·               University of Freiburg, Germany
·               University of Eastern Finland, Finland
·               Wageningen University, the Netherlands
·               Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
·               University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

In addition the Federal University of Parana, Brazil and Northwest A&F University, China are partners of the programme.

The two-year 120 ECTS taught masters degree is carefully organised and students are supported throughout their studies by the MSc European Forestry secretariat with regard to practical arrangements. Our graduates are amongst the most sought after in the field by national and international employers alike.

The MSc European Forestry warmly welcomes talented and enthusiastic students from all over the world to apply. The minimum eligibility criteria are a good command of English language and a BSc degree in forestry or a related field.

For further information on how to apply, please visit our web pages: http://www.europeanforestry.eu
or ask a question: secretariat@europeanforestry.eu

For further information on the MSc programmes offered by the University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences:

Pauliina Karvinen
Planning officer

T:     +358 504 422 572
E:     pauliina.karvinen@uef.fi
W:   http://www.uef.fi/metsa
F:     http://www.facebook.com/uef.forest.fi
L:     http://fi.linkedin.com/groups/UEF-School-Forest-Sciences-Alumni-4646896

University of Eastern Finland
School of Forest Sciences
P.O. Box 111
80101 Joensuu




Margus Arak Margus Arak
Tel: 731 3314




Metsamaja ruum 2A4

Vastuvõtu ajad: E-R kell 8.15 – 12.30; 13.30 - 16.15

Anneli Veemees

Anneli Veemees

Õppekorralduse peaspetsialist            ERASMUS koordinaator

Metsamajandus, metsatööstus, loodusvarade kasutamine ja kaitse, puidutöötlemise tehnoloogia

Tel: 731 3155;                     

mob: 5883 6156



Anneli Veemees

Merit Karro

Õppekorralduse peaspetsialist

Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorraldus, maaehitus, vesiehitus ja veekaitse 

Tel: 731 3154


Tehnikamaja ruum A216


Heli Mäesepp

Õppekorralduse peaspetsialist, 

ERASMUS koordinaator

Tehnika ja tehnoloogia, energiakasutus, ergonoomika, tootmistehnika

Tel: 731 3332;                            mob: 504 9860
