Bioenergy and Biofuels workgroup
Contact: Chair of Biosystems Engineering
Institute of Forestry and Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences 56 Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 51006 Tartu, ESTONIA |
At the moment there are two professors, two research fellows, a Marie Curie research fellow, a postdoctoral fellow, and eight doctoral students in our workgroup. Two main topics are headed by Professor Timo Kikas and Professor Erwan Rauwel. In last years, we have received two international grants, Marie Curie postdoctoral grant, a Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral grant, and several national research grants. Our research group is also part of the Centre of Excellence EQUiTANT that studies emerging orders in quantum and nanomaterials.
The research of biofuels was started in the Institute of Technology in 2007 by Professor Jüri Olt. At first it focused mainly on the solid fuels, like briquettes and pellets. Briquetting characteristics and optimal conditions of different lignocellulosic materials and agricultural wastes were studied. In 2008, research of liquid biofuels was added to the portfolio. First studies were on first generation feedstock and biofuels like bioethanol and vegetable oil. Later, research of second and third generation biofuels prevailed to avoid the ethical, economic and environmental problems associated with the first generation. In 2011, a new workgroup was formed in the department Agricultural and production engineering, that started the research on bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass. The main focus was on the efficiency of the pretreatment process of the biomass and on the continuous process production. In 2013, a novel Nitrogen Explosive Decompression (NED) pretreatment was developed. The NED allows efficient pretreatment of the lignocellulosic biomass without using any chemicals. This makes it environmentally and economically interesting. NED pretreatment makes use of the fact that nitrogen gas has different solubilities in water under different pressures. During the same period laboratory of microalgal research was started. Microalgae have many characteristics that make them interesting research subjects and potential alternative biomass source. Firstly, microalgae have the most efficient photosynthesis apparatus on the planet. They can be used to sequestrate carbon dioxide both, from air and from flue gas. The biomass production rates for microalgae are many times higher than that of their land counterparts. Also, many of the microalgae have very high lipid contents. Which make them also potential raw material for lipid-based biofuels. There is also a novel photobioreactor design that has been patented in our laboratory. In 2016, a research topic was started to deal with the waste utilisation of bioethanol production process. There is ca 20L of stillage produced per every litre of ethanol produced. This stillage has very high BOD and requires treatment prior to realising it into the environment. One interesting possibility is to use anaerobic digestion to remove the degradable organics from the solution while also contributing to additional energy output from the process. In 2018, the workgroup was joined by Professor Erwan Rauwel and senior researcher Protima Rauwel, who brought into the group know-how in the field of nanotechnology. Their main research focuses on metal oxide (HfO2, ZrO2, ZnO) and metal nanoparticle (Co, Ag, Ag_Co…) synthesis for application in water purification (heavy metal ions and radioactive elements), biomedical applications (biocidal coating) and the development of new hybrid nanocomposites for photovoltaic applications. In addition, workgroup got a Mobilitas Pluss grant for a postdoctoral position. Under the tutelage of Dr. Tharaka Doddapaneni a novel integrated process of biofuel production is being developed. In his research Dr Doddapaneni is studying the possibilities of integrating anaerobic digestion into the torrefaction-based biocoal production process. This will enable to give additional value to the production chain and lower the cost of the coal. |
Recent publications: |
Rocha-Meneses, Lisandra; Zannerni, Rawan; Inayat, Abrar; Abdallah, Mohamed; Shanableh, Abdallah; Ghenai, Chaouki; Kamil, Mohammed; Kikas, Timo (2022). Current progress in anaerobic digestion reactors and parameters optimization. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. DOI: 10.1007/s13399-021-02224-z. |
Intellectual property: |
1. Double walled cylindrical rotating photobioreactor with inner light source Authors: Timo Kikas, Lara Podkuiko, Jüri Olt; Priority number: P201400048; |
2. Nitrogen explosion pretreatment method for disruption of biomass structure The invention belongs to the field of instrumentation for production of non-fossil biofuels, more specifically instrumentation for production of bioethanol, biobutanol and biodiesel and is applicable in biofuel production process from lignocellulosic biomass. In nitrogen explosion method for disrupting cell structure, dry milled biomass is mixed with water to achieve creamy consistency (biomass to water ration from 1:5 to 1:15), pressure is increased using nitrogen gas (N2) to a range of 10 to 60 bars, temperature in the pressure vessel is raised to a range of 125 to 190 degrees of Celsius and is kept thus for the incubation period of 10 to 120 minutes. The mixture is then cooled to a temperature range of 25 to 90 degrees of Celsius, while the total time of biomass heating, incubation and cooling is in the range of 1 to 4 hours. After reaching the final temperature, the pressure is suddenly released to achieve explosive decompression and the pretreated biomass is used in further processing. Authors: Timo Kikas, Merlin Raud, Marti Tutt, Jüri Olt; Priority number: P201400050; |
MOBJD703 "Mikrovetikate koostöötlemine tahkete kommunaaljäätmetega null-jäätmelises mikrovetika biorafineerimisprotsessis (1.10.2020−30.09.2022)", Fiaz Ahmad, Eesti Maaülikool, Tehnikainstituut, Biomajandustehnoloogiate õppetool. COVSG9 "Polümeersete nanokomposiitide kasutamine anti-viraalsetes lisandites ja pinnakatetes (1.12.2020−31.12.2021)", Erwan Yann Rauwel, Eesti Maaülikool. RESTA5 "Termokeemiliste väärindamis-ja biorafineerimistehnoloogiate arendamine ja optimeerimine teise ja kolmanda põlvkonna biokemikaalide tootmiseks lignotselluloossest materjalist (1.01.2021−31.08.2023)", Timo Kikas, Eesti Maaülikool. RESTA22 "Ligniini keemilise ja ensümaatilise väärindamise tehnoloogiad: ligniinist ja sellest eraldatud fenoolsetest fragmentidest arendatavad tooted – materjalide sünteesiks kasutatavad algühendid, vaigud, liimid, õlid, plastikud, ehitusmaterjalid (1.07.2020−30.06.2023)", Siim Salmar, Tartu Ülikool, Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond, tehnoloogiainstituut. RESTA6 "Puidusuhkrute tööstusliku fermentatsiooni protsesside optimeerimine bioreaktorites, sünteetilise bioloogia meetodid kemikaalide ja valkude tootmiseks disainitud tööstuslike rakuvabrikute arendamiseks (1.07.2020−30.04.2023)", Mart Loog, Tartu Ülikool, Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond, tehnoloogiainstituut. RESTA11 "Pleegitatud keemilis-termilise puitmassi (BCTMP) ja töötlemata sekundaarsete puitmassi voogude keemilise ja biokeemilise väärindamise tehnoloogiate väljaarendamine (1.09.2020−31.05.2023)", Tiit Lukk, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Loodusteaduskond, Keemia ja biotehnoloogia instituut. RESTA7 "Lignotselluloosse biomassi keemiline konverteerimine monomeerideks ja polümeriseerimine kõrgtehnoloogilisteks polümeerideks (1.11.2020−31.08.2023)", Lauri Vares, Tartu Ülikool, Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond, tehnoloogiainstituut. RESTA9 "Puidutööstuse jääkide gasifitseerimise ja gaasfermentatsioonil kemikaalide tootmine: suurema saagise ja parema stressitaluvusega biotehnoloogiliste tootmistüvede välja töötamine sünteesgaasi põhiselt (1.01.2022−31.08.2022)", Kaspar Valgepea, Tartu Ülikool, Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond, tehnoloogiainstituut. V210006TIBT (Grandileping nr 4-8/21/18) "Microalgae based, safety-tested and optimized fish feed value chain by using Interdisciplinary R&D and IT solutions" (1.07.2021−30.06.2024); Vastutav täitja: Timo Kikas; Eesti Maaülikool, Tehnikainstituut, Biomajandustehnoloogiate õppetool; Finantseerija: Eesti Teadusinfosüsteemi (ETIS) osakond; Eraldatud summa: 64 000 EUR.