Year 2021
- M. Hovi is part of the scientific committee of the ‘15th international conference, ‘Society, Integration and Education’ to be held from the 28th-29th May 2021 at Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia
- A. Allik’s Venia Legendi in the frame of the Associate Professor position in renewable energies will be held on zoom:
- P. Rauwel has co- published an editorial for a special issue, a book will soon be printed.
- A. Annuk has successfully completed work for Elering AS, the main energy supplier in Estonia
- 3 new PhD topics are open in the Chair of Energy Applications Engineering. The 3 topics are proposed by Prof. Andres Annuk, Assoc. Prof. Eugen Kokin and Prof. Protima Rauwel. The topics are available here:
- A new Masters’ Curriculum committee for Energy Applications Engineering has been appointed. The new member include: Protima Rauwel (Head), Eugen Kokin (regular member), Külli Hovi (regular member), Erkki Jõgi (regular member), Vahur Põder (external member), Taimo Piho (student member) and Heli Saaremets (Study assistant).
- 2 New positions are open in the Chair of Energy Applications Engineering.
1 position for Senior Lecturer in Power systems Engineering:
1 position for Associate Professor in Renewable Energies:
- We Welcome Yashita Khunger who started her PhD in nanomaterials for photovoltaics from the 1st of March.
- A. Annuk et al have published an article on Grid and Energy consumption in the Open access journal ‘Energies’ of MDPI.
- H. Pihlap has published a popular science article in ‘Novaator’ on the cost-saving feature of heat pumps.
- S. Muiste has received funding to prepare an English version of the ‘Smart Grid’ course from the ASTRA funds.
- A new concept of method of evaluation the Masters thesis has been organized, course code TE.0053. The program is more research oriented and focusses on Research Methodology
- Our First publication for the year in an Open Access journal of MDPI, Nanomaterials, Impact factor 4.3 by P. Rauwel et al.
- From 1st January 2021, Protima Rauwel has been appointed full professor of Energy Applications Engineering