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Digital solutions for non-invasive classification and characterization of wood based on FTIR spectra (2021-2027.1.01.23-0292; 01.12.2023-30.11.2025)

As a result of the project, a method is developed for linking the data obtained from the infrared spectrum with the characteristics of wood or wood products, and a digital solution is created for linking them, which allows to monitor and control processing or production of wood or wood products by using calibration carried out at the location of the application of the method by measuring spectral changes resulting from processing in real time.

The project (2021-2027.1.01.23-0292) is co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); funding: 100 729 EUR.
Project contact:
Kaido Siimon
Senior Researcher
Chair of Forest and Land Management and Wood Processing Technologies