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Ehitusfüüsika koolitus - 9.-10. mai 2019 EMÜ Metsamajas

Ehitusfüüsika koolitus "Building Physics research and practical solutions in Finland – challenges and future goals"

EMÜ Metsamajas ruumis 1A5.

Lektor: prof Juha Vinha Tampere Tehnikaülikoolist

N 09.05.2019 algus kell 13.00

R 10.05.2019 algus kell 10.00

Koolitus on inglise keeles.

Üritust korraldab EMÜ ehituse ja keskkonnatehnika doktorikool, finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Eesti Maaülikooli ASTRA projekt Väärtusahelapõhine biomajandus).

REGISTREERU KOOLITUSELE (hind 280 €, käibemaksu ei lisandu)


The subtitles would be:

- Effects of energy efficiency and climate change to the performance of whole building

- Economical aspects of energy efficiency – How far we should go?

- TUNI’s analysis method for moisture performance of envelope structures

- Outdoor air conditions – Combination of many important physical factors

- Finnish test reference years – New method to select critical conditions for calculation analysis

- Indoor air conditions – Moisture excess in different building types

- Finnish mould growth model – The most advanced tool for mould growth risk analysis today

- Building physical modelling – Benefits and limitations

- Pressure differences – Big challenge in new airtight buildings

- Effects of increased thermal insulation in new and renovated envelope structures

- Moisture problems and solutions of envelope structures