

Drenkhan, R., Adamson, K., Jürimaa, K., Hanso, M. 2014. Dothistroma septosporum on firs (Abies spp.) in the northern Baltics. Forest Pathology, 44: 250–254.

Drenkhan, R., Heldur, S., Hanso, M. 2014. Introduction of Mandshurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.) to Estonia: Is it related to the current epidemic on European ash (F. excelsior L.)? European journal of forest research, 133: 769–781.

Drenkhan, R., Adamson, K., Hanso, M. 2015. Fraxinus sogdiana, a Central Asian Ash Species, Is Susceptible to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Plant Protection Science, 51(3): 150-152.

Adamson, K., Drenkhan, R., Hanso, M.2015. Invasive brown spot needle blight caused by Lecanosticta acicola in Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 30(7), 587 - 593.

Adamson, K., Klavina, D., Drenkhan, R., Gaitnieks, T., Hanso, M. 2015. Diplodia sapinea is colonizing the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the northern Baltics. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 143(2), 343-350.

Riit, T., Tedersoo, L., Drenkhan, R., Runno-Paurson, E., Kokko, H., Anslan, S. 2016. Oomycete-specific ITS primers for identification and metabarcoding. MycoKeys, 14, 17−30.

Drenkhan, R., Riit, T., Adamson, K., Hanso, M. 2016. The earliest samples of Hymenoscyphus albidus vs. H. fraxineus in Estonian mycological herbaria. Mycological Progress, 15, 835−844.

Drenkhan, R., Tomešová-Haataja, V., Fraser, S., Bradshaw, R. E., Vahalik, P., Mullett, M. S., Martín-García, J., Bulman, L. S., Wingfield, M. J., Kirisits, T., Cech, T. L., Schmitz, S., Baden, R., Tubby, K., Brown, A., Georgieva, M., Woods, A., Ahumada, R., Jankovský, L., Thomsen, I. M. ... Barnes, I. 2016. Global geographic distribution and host range of Dothistroma species: a comprehensive review. Forest Pathology, 46, 408−442.

Drenkhan, R., Solheim, H., Bogacheva, A., Riit, T., Adamson, K., Drenkhan, T., Maaten, T., Hietala, A.M. 2016. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is a leaf pathogen of local Fraxinus species in the Russian Far East. Plant Pathology, 000−000.

Barnes, I., Nest, A., Mullett, M.S., Crous, P.W., Drenkhan, R., Musolin, D.L. and Wingfield, M.J. 2016. Neotypification of Dothistroma septosporum and epitypification of D. pini, causal agents of Dothistroma needle blight of pine. Forest Pathology, 46(5), 388-407.


Newspaper articles

Drenkhan, R. 2014. Kas meie metsa- ja pargipuudel esineb invasiivseid seenhaigusi ja mida need tähendavad? (Do we have invasive diseases on forest and verdant trees and what do they means?) Postimees, 14. aprill 2014.

Drenkhan, R., Adamson, K., Hanso, M. 2014. Uus invasiivne haigus meie harilikul männil. (New and invasive disease on native Scots pine). Maaleht, 02. juuni 2014 11:20.

Drenkhan, T., Drenkhan, R. 2014. Phytophthora – ohtlik haigusetekitaja (Phytophthora - dangerous disease agent). Metsaleht, 01. november 2014 15:15.