Asiegbu, F.O. Genetic transformation of the root rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum by particle bombardment. Pp. 9-16.
Uotila, A., Wang, T., Wang, L. Some ecological aspects of Chrysomyxa abietis (Wallr.) Unger epidemiology. Pp. 17-23.
Kaitera, J., Nuorteva, H. Some ongoing and future studies on pine stem rusts in Finland. Pp. 24-29.
Kurkela, T. Transmission of Heterobasidion root rot to planted Scots pine and Siberian larch after clear cut of infected pine forest. Pp. 30-34.
Grantina, L., Šica, L., Matjuškova, N., Muiznieks, I. The identification of the intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum with different methods using material collected in Latvia. Pp. 35-43.
Gaitnieks, T., Liepa, I., Rokjânis, B., Indriksons, A. Development of Norway spruce mycorrhiza in mixed Norway spruce and grey alder stands infected by Heterobasidion annosum. Pp. 44-51.
Vartiainen, S.M., Petäistö, R.-L., Kajander, E.O. Immunological methods for detecting Gremmeniella abietina spores. Pp. 52-56.
Petäistö, R.-L., Kurkela, T., Heinonen, J. Climatic factors and phases of Gremmeniella abietina conidial dispersal. Pp. 57-60.
Vuorinen, M. Cancer disease of Scots pine caused by Crumenulopsis sororia. Pp. 61-63.
Hanso, M. Phacidium snow blight in the Baltic countries. Pp. 64-74.
Jalkanen, R., Aalto, T., Kurkela, T. Needle Trace Method. Pp. 75-78.
Jalkanen, R., Pensa, M. Influence of the alkaline emissions produced by the oil-shale industry on needle retention and needle age of Scots pine. Pp. 79-84.
Drenkhan, R., Hanso, M. Needle retention, needle density and growth rate of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Pp. 85-91.