Vol 75


Harun, F., Soosaar, K., Krasnova, A., Pisek, J. 2021. Suitability of the boreal ecosystem simulator (BEPS) model for estimating gross primary productivity in hemi-boreal upland pine forest. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 1–14.

Kangur, A., Nigul, K., Padari, A., Kiviste, A., Korjus, H., Laarmann, D., Põldveer, E., Mitt, R., Frelich, L.E., Jõgiste, K., Stanturf, J.A., Paluots, T., Kängsepp, V., Jürgenson, H., Noe, S.M., Sims, A., Metslaid, M. 2021. Composition of live, dead and downed trees in Järvselja old-growth forest. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 15–40.

Goncharenko, I. 2021. Comparative study of Central and Eastern European alliances of thermophilous oak forests (Quercion petraea, Betonico-Quercion, and Lathyro-Quercion) within the temperate zone of Europe. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 41–54.       Supplement.

Santoandré, S., Filloy, J., Zurita, G. A., Bellocq, M. I. 2021. Variations in habitat metrics along plantation chronosequences: contrasting tree plantations in subtropical forest and grassland. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 55–63.

Arisandi, R., Marsoem, S.N., Lukmandaru, G., Sutapa, J.P.G. 2021. The changes of extractive contents of young Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq trees during heartwood formation. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 64–79.

Thanh Tuan, N., Quang Bao, T., Rodríguez-Hernández, D.I., Gliottone, I. 2021. Tree diversity and species composition of tropical dry forests in Vietnam’s Central Highlands Region. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 80–103.

Baiturina, R., Gabdelkhakov, A., Gabdrakhimov, K., Yanbaeva, V. 2021. Changes in the forest structure of the Bashkortostan Republic over two decades. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 104–118.

Drasospolino, Supriyono, B., Haryono, B.S., Domai,T. 2021. The effect of implementation on successful forest management policy, moderated by actor-network and stakeholder collaboration. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 119–139.

Noe, S.M., Krasnova, A., Krasnov, D., Cordey, H.P.E., Kangur, A. 2021. Facilitating longterm 3D sonic anemometer measurements in hemiboreal forest ecosystems. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 140–149.

Tamme, H., Muiste, P., Tamme, V. 2021. Optimizing the pine wood drying process using a critical diffusion coefficient and a timed moistening impulse. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 150–165.

El Haddadi, R., Errifi, A., Msairi, S., Ouazzani Touhami, A., Douira, A. 2021. Effect of interaction between Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani on damping-off and root rot disease of Tetraclinis articulata seedlings. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 166–175.

Kask, R., Pikk, J., Kangur, A. 2021. Effect of growth conditions on wood properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 176–187.

Hafidou, N., Mehdadi, Z., Latreche, A., Dadach, M., Bouchaour, I. 2021. Seed viability and optimal germination conditions of Cedrus atlantica (Manetti ex Endl.) Carrière. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 188–201.

Pärt, E., Kaimre, P. 2021. Empirical analysis of maturity ages for pure stands in Estonian commercial forests and comparison with required rotation ages. – Forestry Studies | Metsanduslikud Uurimused 75, 202–219.